# NewsPro Messages File $nplangversion = 3.7; # # Language Name: ENGLISH $LangName = "ENGLISH"; # # By editing this file, you can change any of the messages # seen on NewsPro screens by basic - Standard or High - level # users. The administrator-only screens are English-only, as # if the administrator did not speak English, all documentation # would have to be translated as well, which is simply too great a task. # # Translators: please leave the above message intact, and in English. # Do change the language name to the name of your language in your language, however. # # Do NOT edit the internal message names, only the messages themselves. # Example: # 'DoNotEditMe' => 'TranslateOrEditMe' # # If you use the tilde (~) within a message, you must escape it, i.e. \~ # Characters which contain a tilde, such as ñ, are fine and don't need to be escaped. # # For the messages, the boundary of where you can edit is between q~ and the following ~, # Do not edit outside that boundary. # # START DATE INFORMATION @Week_Days = ('Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday'); @Months = ('January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December'); # If times in your language use a 12 hour (AM/PM) clock, set the following to 1. # Otherwise, set it to 0. $nplang_12Hour = 1; # Set the following to the standard date format in your language. Users will be able to choose # any date format that they want, but the format below is the default. # See Change Settings for information on how date formats should be written. # Edit between q~ and ~; $nplang_DateFormat = q~ , , ~; # START MESSAGES %Messages = ( 'NewsPro' => q~NewsPro~, # You may want to still call the script NewsPro, or you may want to translate the name. 'ContentType' => q~~, # If your language needs a different character set, you may have to change this tag. 'MainPage_Welcome' => q~Welcome to NewsPro,~, # Will be used as: Welcome to NewsPro, (name)! 'MainPage_Choose' => q~Choose one of the options below to begin.~, # The following should be present in every language file except for the English one. # Use this example as a guide; translate it, remove the # from the beginning of the line, # and delete the empty one below. # 'MainPage_LangWarning' => q~The basic functions of this script are available in (language name), but all administrative functions are available only in English.
~, 'MainPage_LangWarning' => q~ ~, 'Section_Submit' => q~Submit News~, 'Section_Build' => q~Build News~, 'MainPage_Descriptions_Submit' => q~Add a new news item to the database.~, 'MainPage_Descriptions_Build' => q~Use the information in the database to generate the HTML news and archive files.~, 'MainPage_Descriptions_Build_NoAuto' => q~You must build news after submitting news before it will appear on your page.~, 'Section_Modify' => q~Modify News~, 'MainPage_Descriptions_Modify' => q~Remove or edit previously submitted news items.~, 'MainPage_Modify_1' => q~You may only edit news items that you have previously posted.~, 'MainPage_Modify_2' => q~You may edit any news item, including those that others have posted.~, 'Section_UserInfo' => q~User Info~, 'MainPage_Descriptions_UserInfo' => q~Change your password or e-mail address.~, 'Section_LogOut' => q~Log Out~, 'MainPage_Descriptions_LogOut' => q~Logs you out of the system, so that you can no longer access this script until you enter your username and password.~, 'MainPage_YourVersion' => q~Your version:~, 'MainPage_CurrentVersion' => q~Current version:~, 'MainPage_Upgrade' => q~Click here to upgrade.~, 'MainPage_Addons' => q~Addons~, 'MainPage_Download' => q~Download~, 'MainPage_WebPage' => q~Visit the NewsPro web page.~, 'MainPage_SendEmail' => q~Send an e-mail with comments, questions, suggestions, etc.~, # As help is not translated, the following should read "online help (English only)" when translated. 'HTMLFoot_Help' => q~online help~, 'Section_Main' => q~Main Page~, 'BackTo' => q~Back to~, #Used as a link, Back to (site name) 'Controls_Search' => q~Search our news archives:~, 'Controls_View' => q~View all news items~, 'Controls_Email' => q~Subscribe to our mailing list, and receive the latest news items by e-mail.~, 'Controls_EmailTextBox' => q~e-mail addr.~, # Used in a text box, to show where to enter your e-mail address. 'Controls_Subscribe' => q~Subscribe~, 'Controls_Unsubscribe' => q~Unsubscribe~, 'Submit_NewsText' => q~News Text~, 'Submit_GlossaryOn' => q~Glossary: On~, 'Off' => q~Off~, 'Submit' => q~Submit~, 'Reset' => q~Reset~, 'Save_NewsSaved' => q~News Saved~, 'Save_Message' => q~The news has been saved to the data file. Remember, you still have to build news before the changes will be visible. Build News can be accessed from the bar below.~, 'Build_Title' => q~News Built~, 'Build_Message' => q~The news HTML has been built from the database. The latest news should now be visible on your page.~, 'Modify_Posted' => q~Posted on~, # Used as: Posted on (date) 'Modify_By' => q~by~, # Used as: Posted on (date) by (name) 'Modify_Keep' => q~Keep:~, # Used as a choice between keeping or removing a post. 'Modify_Remove' => q~Remove:~, 'Modify_NoPerm' => q~You do not have permission to modify this.~, # The following six messages create one sentence: Save changes and finish modifying news or show next (number) items. 'Modify_Save' => q~Save changes~, 'And' => q~and~, 'Modify_Finish' => q~finish modifying news~, 'Modify_Or' => q~or~, 'Modify_Show' => q~show next~, 'Modify_Items' => q~items~, 'ModifySave_Title' => q~News Modified~, 'ModifySave_Message' => q~Your changes (if any) have been carried out. These changes have been made to the database, however the news must be built before they will appear on your page.~, 'Login_Is' => q~is logged in~, 'Login_OKMessage' => q~You have been logged in. A "cookie" has been saved to your computer which should allow you to access this system without logging in in the future. Your browser must accept cookies to use this system.~, 'Login_OKClick' => q~Click here to go to the main page.~, 'Login_NoTitle' => q~Username/Password Incorrect~, 'Login_NoMessage' => q~The information you entered is not valid. Please use your browser's back button and try again.~, 'Login_Title' => q~NewsPro Login (Authorized Users Only)~, 'Username' => q~Username~, 'Password' => q~Password~, 'Login_Login' => q~Log In~, 'UserInfo_Message' => q~You may change two options: your password and your e-mail address.~, 'Email' => q~Email~, 'UserInfoSave_Title' => q~User Info Changed~, 'UserInfoSave_Message' => q~Your information has been changed. If you changed your password, you may need to log in again.~, 'LogOut_Message' => q~You have been logged out.~, 'DisplayLink' => q~News managed by~, 'Viewnews_Error_1' => q~Invalid date information.~, 'Viewnews_Error_2' => q~No news items meet those criteria~, 'Viewnews_From' => q~News from~, # These two used as: News from (date) to (date) 'Viewnews_To' => q~to~, 'Viewnews_Error_3' => q~Invalid start/end news items.~, 'Viewnews_Items' => q~News Items~, 'Viewnews_Latest' => q~Latest News~, 'Viewnews_EmailAdd' => q~You have successfully been added to the mailing list.~, 'Viewnews_EmailFail' => q~does not appear to be a valid e-mail address.~, 'Viewnews_EmailUnsubSuccess' => q~has successfully been removed from the mailing list.~, 'Viewnews_EmailUnsubFail' => q~does not seem to be on the mailing list.~, 'Viewnews_EmailIncomplete' => q~Please fill in all necessary fields.~, 'Viewnews_Mailing' => q~Mailing List~, 'Viewnews_Success' => q~Success~, 'Viewnews_Failure' => q~Failure~, 'Viewnews_TMPLError' => q~Could not open viewnews.tmpl.~, 'Error' => q~Error~, 'Viewnews_NoResults' => q~This search returned no results.~, 'Viewnews_Results' => q~Search Results~, 'Viewnews_NoOpen' => q~Could not open file~, #Used as: could not open file (pathname) 'Category' => q~Category~, 'Preview' => q~Preview~ ); # The end! 1;