``xWelcome to the new site! This site will expand quickly, and various updaters will be updating it frequently...
The team thus far:

Tubooboo and I are the main programmers, and various other Boob! programmers will be releasing programs soon!
``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xWelcome!``x964049457,15375,``x``x ``xAlthough we don't believe in "warez", it is worth mentioning that the WinCE Devkit 2.1 has been leaked. We will NOT provide you with links to download this, but it could become an extremely important part of the dc development scene.
Various people (we might be aswell, but i dont mean us!) will soon undoubtedly be working on emulators ports. Mame for DC is obviously one of the most hotly anticipated - imagine being able to insert a cdr with mame and lots of roms on it, and being able to play the old arcade classics sitting in front of your tv...
``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xWinCE DevKit``x964049488,70016,``x``x ``xI would like to announce that I have been playing around with making a SH4 cpu emulator. I am making this announcement for a reason - I believe that there is a 95% chance I will fail, or that it'll run at an unbearable slow speed. Therefore a sudden announcement such as UltraHLE is unlikely to occur... Instead I feel it'd be much more interesting for me to release detailed progress updates as it is written, which others may even find quite useful.
This is what I have done so far:
50/234 opcodes (don't know whether they are at all correct!)
Registers declaration

At the moment I am writing the opcodes in C of which there are a total of 234. These will of course have to be converted to assembly, but since I am pretty bad at asm I will save this fun (?) till later, if I ever get to that point. On current calculations you will need a minimum of a 2ghz cpu, but since i am running on a p2-450 this could be a problem. (any one who wants to sponsor/advertise on the site or give me a free pc, feel free to e-mail me :-) )
Delcaring the registers is a simple job... each one is 32-bits in size, and i'll go into further detail about this soon.``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xAn important announcement``x964049514,70298,``x``x ``xI figured you guys might be getting bored of the Flash site with the same news, so heres the uncompleted new site... somehow i fucked up the index.htm page but at least i can update the news easily :-)
Marcus has informed me of a piece of software which allow you to decode pvr files, which contain 1 texture each, and another which allows you to play axd sounds files... I'll post them once i have tested them out!
Thanks to Marcus for the info, go visit his site, its the best for interesting Dreamcast stuff - http://marcus.mangakai.org/dc/``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xA note about the new site``x964052863,52795,``x``x ``xI've released two new versions of my tools as promised!
You can get them on the tools page...
One user reported problems opening any files with the disassembler - since i have not had this problem i dont know how it is cause, or how to fix it! If anyone else has a problem please e-mail me.
Also, sorry about the errors, IE users might be getting... this will be fixed asap.

You can also come and chat to us in person (sort of anyway) on efnet in #boob``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xNew files!``x964055958,64795,``x``x ``xI've added another Disassembler and another IP.BIN editor.
The docs page now has loads of docs on it also...
Could anyone who has tried the WinCE Devkit for DC possibly e-mail me. I am interest in finding out whether it needs the Hardware devbox to run as is stated in the relnotes.htm file that comes with it.``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xNew stuff``x964087876,97006,``x``x ``xI've added an IP.BIN maker to the tools section, and a messageboard is now up!``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xQuick stuff``x964093145,6202,``x``x ``xThe devkit is real, and what's more it requires no hardware to work!
I myself haven't download it yet, but from what i've heard it is going to transform the Dreamcast development scene :-)
I was reading Official DC Mag. last night, and apparently the conversion of Quake 3: Arena from PC to DC took just 1 week to get up and running! (The rest of the time was optimizations and extra levels/models etc...)
The DevKit comes with various utils for making the IP.bin files etc.., and im considering uploading these :-)
Be sure to join us on #boob on efnet``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xDevKit is REAL``x964106960,98772,``x``x ``xI'd like to welcome a new member, Garpster...
He'll be making DC stuff for Linux.``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xNew member``x964109773,21284,``x``x ``xMade anything with the WinCE DevKIT or even in Assembly for the Dreamcast? Send it in and we will release it on Boob for you.``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xTo all programmers``x964126828,21757,``x``x ``xI've added a poll on the left, do vote, it might just make a difference!``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xPoll!``x964127451,10050,``x``x ``xRockman here saying hello. I'll be posting news and helping out with the site look. If anyone has any ideas on how to improve the site feel free to send them in. :)``xrockman``xRockmanJ@home.com``xNew Member``x964137154,93039,``x``x ``xWe figured out how to see Utopias Boot file. More news on it soon... >:)``xrockman``xRockmanJ@home.com``xUtopias Boot file``x964140993,32162,``x``x ``xOk here's a quick post on how to read that second session. Get the newest isobuster that is in beta form 0.9.5 beta 2 and load up the Utopia cd. You'll see 3 .txt files you can extract. 2 are german msgs and the other is also a file with .txt extension that is 2mb and contains a ip.bin. All the dev guys out there look at that file and do stuff with it. We will post more info on this as we get it. BTW if you go to the tools section you can dl the zip with the 3 files in it. ``xrockman``xRockmanJ@home.com``xUtopian boot disc info``x964192624,84962,``x``x ``xThis is an idea, i just need to know whether its possible...
Wouldn't it save a lot of CDRs if you could just have a cd full of roms and rather than having to burn a new cd each time an emulator gets updated, instead download the emulator to the vmu... (as long as its smaller than 128k)
you could then run the emulator off the vmu and use it as normal.
I need to know whether its possible to run stuff directly off the vmu as if it were a normal dreamcast program?
E-mail me if you can help!``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xDownload the emulators????``x964194016,67981,``x``x ``xThe most difficult part whilst importing any emulator to run on the dreamcast is the conversion of the CPU opcodes, which will almost always have been written in Intel Assembly code. These of course must be converted to SH4 assembly code. (Better get reading those manuals) There are a few other things to be converted, but they will mostly be quite simple.``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xNotes for Emulator Porters``x964217925,37420,``x``x ``xHi, I'm dopefish, a new member of the Boob team. I've extracted the Gameshark CDX files using the same method I used to extract the Utopia boot disc files that are up in the Tools section right now. I've also written up a html file with everything Rockman and I have discovered about those two discs. We've come up with some exciting stuff -- stay tuned. That and the CDX files will be uploaded sometime tomorrow. Don't forget to come in #boob on efnet to say hi and discuss things that you've come up with.``xdopefish``xcontact_dopefish@hotmail.com``xBoob happenings``x964226986,28204,``x``x ``xI can now definately confirm that the utopia1.txt file is indeed the boot code. Recreated the boot disc using that file along with a ip.bin i made and viola! Perfect replica of the bootdisc. More news later.

(*)(*)``xrockman``xRockmanJ@home.com``xUtopian Boot CD pt.2``x964232290,25719,``x``x ``xA reliable anonymous source knows someone working on a linux kernel module to read GD-ROMs. The program is still very unstable and buggy, but progress is being made. We'll keep you up to date if/when it gets released.``xdopefish``xcontact_dopefish@hotmail.com``xGood things to come?``x964236374,49330,``x``x ``xA great article written by Dopefish entitled "The Quest for a Bootable Game CD-ROM" about the work that he and Rockman have been doing lately. Do read it, its extremely informative :-)
It can be found in the Docs section. I've also uploaded the CDX track 2 data, which can be found in the Tools section, and was extracted by Dopefish and Rockman.``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xArticle by Dopefish / CDX``x964261909,78435,``x``x ``xI have decided to remove the Utopia Rip since it is illegal, and Boob! is a non-illegal research site. I'm sure you can find it easily enough though or follow the instructions on the Docs page.``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xUtopia``x964266525,15253,``x``x ``xI read on the normally useful DCISOS forum that Boob! was planning on releasing a movie player. As far as I know this is completely unfounded information. We at Boob! will normally post information about our current work and if we don't post about it it is either private work (ie:no leaks) or it is not occurring.
Hopefully a Movie Player will exist soon, but at the moment not by us.
The DCISOS forum contain a great amount of knowledge but quite often you get twats who make things up... probably for attention :-)
Posts about the Devkit sending stuff to Sega are also complete rubbish in my opinion.
``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xDCISOS forum``x964266947,89060,``x``x ``xI've written another article that you can find over in the documents section. I hex edited the utopia1.txt and wwwshark.txt files and found some cool stuff :).

The best info yet is someone found where the words "reset-call!" appears twice in the binary. That could be the key to figuring out how the boot cd works. If you're a smart person and can do some SH4 asm, go read it, take a look at utopia1.txt yourself, and try to figure something out. ``xdopefish``xcontact_dopefish@hotmail.com``xNew article up``x964293803,34645,``x``x ``xHere are some pics taken by Darkshadow:

I am pretty sure that the person who sent me these does not have the audio working... the results shown are quite easy to produce. As mentioned on the DCISOS forum all one needs to do is split the audio and video... the video is mpeg1, and can be played in most players.
``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xDreamcast video running in flashmpeg``x964310834,8539,``x``x ``xTo chat on efnet go instead to #b00b not #boob (you'll find people in both though)``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xIRC channel``x964312511,36153,``x``x ``xHey everyone Rockman here. Just posting some news on how I've been trying over and over again to make a self booting disc with a wince game the past few days. The Good news is that I have managed to get the game to load, and the bad news is that after a short period of that load the dreamcast resets itself and just goes into a loop. I'm still trying to get it to work and will post updates as I go along. If anyone out there has any suggestions as how to possibly get this to work drop me a line. Laters.


Update by CyRUS64:
The reason it is possible to get it to load is because using Marcus' method you can only load the 1st_read.bin file, or 0winceos.bin in the case of WinCE games. After this no other files can be loaded.
Using the Utopia BootCD I feel that there is a problem in trying to load the DirectX files.``xrockman``xProtomanJ@hotmail.com``xSelf Booting Discs``x964352125,67,``x``x ``xThese are some views on the problems with WinCE with the current bootcd:
When you try and run a WinCE game not even the Sega license screen code appears.
This means that the 0winceos.bin file cannot be loaded for some reason.
What is needed to work out is why will 0winceos.bin not load?
In viewing the file to me it seems to be NOT scrambled... whereas non-wince 1st_read.bin files are. Therefore if someone has plenty CDRs, it is worth trying to burn a wince program, after having scrambled the 0winceos.bin file, and seeing whether there is an improvement...
however with rumours that a wince compatible bootcd will be released soon, i probably wont do any more research into this matter.
``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xWinCE``x964368726,27789,``x``x ``xThe rumor from some anonymous sources is that the new boot disc will be out sometime Monday or Tuesday as it has gone into "testing." It will suport WinCE games/programs, but still no CDDA unfortunately.

Of course, this is all rumor, it could be false. But I hope it's right :).``xdopefish``xcontact_dopefish@hotmail.com``xLatest info on the new boot disc``x964412560,60288,``x``x ``xI just put up AltRN8's document where he compares what peripherals get enabled in different boot disc IP.BINs. It's a good read and perhaps explains why people have had problems making WinCE boot discs when using Marcus' IP.BIN maker. DON'T FORGET to edit the IP.TXT the comes with his maker. If you just use the default one, WinCE booting won't work as his document illustrates. ``xdopefish``xcontact_dopefish@hotmail.com``xNew document up``x964413796,85935,``x``x ``xCould someone with a Serial cable please email me. Thanks``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xRequest``x964454573,19655,``x``x ``xI completely redid the Utopia boot disc hexing article after finding out some more information.

I updated the bootable cd quest article with authentic translations from LaNcom, a native German speaker.

I haven't heard anything else about the new boot disc. I'll post something if I ever hear more.

-dopefish (1:50PM EST)``xdopefish``xcontact_dopefish@hotmail.com``xA few updates``x964461026,33677,``x``x ``xAfter a few days of work, someone smart hacked the firmware of his Pioneer 303S DVD-ROM to read GD-ROMs completely. It's a great accomplishment and the screen shot will floor you :). Check it out in the Documents section (Yes, it's a picture, not a document, but I couldn't think of a good place to put it :P).

IT ONLY WORKS FOR THAT PIONEER MODEL and it is not a program or anything of the sort so don't look for it/beg for it/bother us/etc. IT IS NOT BEING RELEASED. Just admire his handiwork.

P.S. Yes, that's us talking in efnet #b00b in the background =)

-dopefish (11:51PM EST 7/24)``xdopefish``xcontact_dopefish@hotmail.com``xPicture of a GD-ROM being read``x964494254,83690,``x``x ``xIf you would like to play sfd videos here is how to do it:
1) Download Flashmpeg
2) Install and run it
3) Open any sfd file, and you can play it or convert it to avi/mpg
Its all very simple, but some of you might not know how to do it yet.
The sound format is still publicly unknown, and the only group who know it at the moment are Kalisto, hence the fact that they aren't making it public.``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xVideo (not audio) playing``x964523021,61455,``x``x ``xAs most of the #b00b regulars have noticed It has been taken over. Someone spoofed one of the regular ops and well you get the rest. What really makes me mad about this is that boob nor it's regulars had anything to do with this. The person who they were trying to get revenge on was found in #b00b since it isn't a +S channel. We are working on setting up another channel but will only open it after it's been secured. I'll post the details as they come.``xrockman``xProtomanJ@hotmail.com``x#b00b takeover``x964542950,41970,``x``x ``xJust letting everyone know that the irc chan is now open again. #boob on efnet. Stop by and say hello to the boob people. :)``xrockman``xProtomanJ@hotmail.com``xIRC Channel Open``x964561461,44386,``x``x ``xA few days ago I was informed of a PVR texture decoder being included in the Pike programming language from a reliable source - here is an excerpt from the e-mail:
"If you get the latest version of
the programming language Pike (http://pike.idonex.se/), you'll
find that it contains a PVR encoder/decoder that I have written.
Each PVR file contains one texture, btw. There are no vertex data in
I didn't make a post about it earlier since for some reason i have been unable to download it, but hopefully someone will test it out... if you do please email me a nice screenshot of it in action.
``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xTexture Decoder``x964601406,23458,``x``x ``xADX files contain compressed sound that can be uncompressed by a program originally designed for use with Saturn games, and is called "CinePack".
``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xADX sound files``x964601520,3083,``x``x ``xThe SEGA Katana devkit, which is ILLEGAL, contains a PVR decoder and SEGA Movie Maker. You might want to contact SEGA and ask if they will lend you a copy :-)
PLEASE do not email me requesting the devkit...``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xWho wants to make some textures? or even movies?``x964622452,64194,``x``x ``xAnyone who feels bored and would like to make a 0gdtex.pvr texture for Boob!, please send it in. If you don't already know this file is the picture which is displayed when the CD is loading...``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xAnyone?``x964634267,79008,``x``x ``xhttp://www.cinepak.com - cinepak can be found here.``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xCinepak address``x964655452,83264,``x``x ``xAltRN8 sent me this info:
Steps to getting wince programs to run on burned CD: (These will be updated)
1) First get the Midway Arcade Classics Kalisto release
2) Use isobuster to pull files out of cd
3) Replace MIDWAY_1.EXE with your executable
4) Burn using your favorite cd authoring program
5) Boot with Utopia CD
6) pop in your new wince disk
7) ta da

Thanks again AltRN8, hopefully we'll see some wince programs appearing soon.
If you make anything cool, however simple, email or msg a Boob!er in #boob on efnet.``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xHow to run WinCE programs!``x964656230,32561,``x``x ``xI got sent this email today from segabackup@yahoo.com

Dear friends,

As a dreamcast gamer, how many times have you thought
that you have scratched that original game that you
have, when you accidentally hit on the console or
something like that..

What we offer is backup CD for your originals, so that
you can play with the backups, and thus safeguard
your gaming investments....

Our prices are just 7.50 per CD backup games.

once you have bought 10 games from us, you then only
pay 5.00 per CD backup game!!!

There is however a fixed shipping charge of 5.00 for
the first 10 games, and 2.50 per additional 5 games.

If anyone gets an email like this please reply RUDELY... hopefully sega will come visit this site :-)
``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xThis is not on...``x964688042,37093,``x``x ``xRecently I modified the Playvideo sample that comes with the WindowsCE development kit, so that it would on startup automatically load a file called "video.mpg" and play it.
The idea was the same as mentioned earlier and using the Midway Arcade Classics game (we do not believe in piracy) delete the midway_1.exe file and replace it with the playvideo executable.
Sonikku tried it and annoyingly it didnt work. Then he tried it again and it worked!
We can't bring you any pics at the moment because Sonikku doesn't have any way of obtaining them, and I don't have the Midway Arcade Classics game to test out, but expect some soon.
Since most of you want this program, here it is:
However this has been tested by 1 person, and is not at all user friendly. You can't stop a video / pause / rewind /fast forward, but its a start.
Follow the described instructions, and put a video.mpg mpeg1 video in the root dir of the cd.``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xThe news everyones been waiting for!``x964713128,33350,``x``x ``xEventually I'll write a gui from which all my programs will be runnable - this will be called Boob!cast and allow you to run various emulators / vcd/video player etc...
As for the Video player:
I'll rewrite it and release a new version tonight. This will be called Boob!play and the new version will not require the Midway Arcade Hits game, since it is illegal.
I'll update this post as I progress.``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xMy .plan``x964716402,91072,``x``x ``xEventually I'll write a gui from which all my programs will be runnable - this will be called Boob!cast and allow you to run various emulators / vcd/video player etc...
As for the Video player:
I'll rewrite it and release a new version tonight. This will be called Boob!play and the new version will not require the Midway Arcade Hits game, since it is illegal.
I'll update this post as I progress.``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xMy .plan``x964716405,35415,``x``x ``xJust letting everyone know that I will no longer be a part of boob. No reason to explain why. Good luck to CyRUS and the rest of the crew.

Rockman``xrockman``xProtomanJ@hotmail.com``xLeaving``x964730292,74616,``x``x ``xI too am also leaving boob. I had some great times, and we found out some great stuff, but it has grown so much and has become something else from what it once was. I'd like to thank cyrus and everyone else for a great time. I'll still be around on IRC and I may stop in #boob from time to time. I also might do my own web site soon because I'm working on some usefull DC stuff. To the rest of boob: keep up the good work and I'll see you around.

dopefish``xdopefish``xcontact_dopefish@hotmail.com``xI'm leaving too``x964730586,20546,``x``x ``xI'm not releasing anything tonight. I'm a bit pissed off generally, lots of emails of requests and shit like that.
Sorry...``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xBad news``x964735589,1984,``x``x ``xMany of you are wondering when Boob!cast will be released, well we
don't know so STOP nagging US!..``xdshadow``xdarkshadow_21@hotmail.com``xBoob!cast``x964737764,98943,``x``x ``xThis has been completely rewritten and is as yet untested, ill update if someone says it works... if it doesnt dont blame me :-)
This version should play whichever of the following is put in the root directory of the cd: (only put one)

I'm releasing this because of #dcvcd who are releasing dc vcds! rather than allowing you to play any video files they are making people wait until they release each movie, which is rather lame in my opinion.
if it works send me a pic, if it doesnt wait until tomorrow.

ALSO: anyone who msgs me in irc without good reason gets banned.``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xBoobplay released``x964747356,44314,``x``x ``xApparently it does work...
However guys it will NOT work for divx. Don't you remember when you first wanted to watch divx movies, and you were forced to install a divx codec? Do you really think i've written a dc ver for a codec that isnt even open source as far as i know? Use a bit of common sense :-)``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xBoobplay is working``x964768953,63489,``x``x ``xAt the moment only mpeg1 video is working, i think, if otherwise do notify me.
I've also released an updated version with the boob logo removed.``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xA note``x964771057,27183,``x``x ``xFrom now on anyone who sends me an email requesting warez or other software gets their email posted. Whatever we want to release will be released, unless your a friend you get nothing in advance...
Also anyone who msgs me in irc without good reason gets instantly banned. I'm sorry but I have to do this, if I am ever going to get anything done.
``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xa little update``x964787832,62961,``x``x ``xFirst of all here is a link on how to use the boobplayer with your mpegs : http://www.geocities.com/lionx2/index.html

Second of all, we are currently redoing the movieplayer to make it much more user friendly.

Things which will be supported in upcomming versions will be :
- proper GUI support
- media control (play, stop, forward, rewind, resume etc)
- volume control
- playing media from any PC cdrom containing mpeg1, avi (only a limited set of codecs), asf, and possibly MP3 as well.
Meaning you will not have to reburn your vcd/asf collection.
- Movie/Sound playlists (either stored in VMU or loaded from cdrom)
- some more features as we see fit

DivX ;) support is not even in the works yet, so don't expect support for it soon.

An updated version will be comming out in the next few days.

If there are people who want to help out by setting up mirrors, mail either me or cyrus.


``xquicksilver``xquicksilv@hotmail.com``xupdate on movieplayer``x964796619,21746,``x``x ``xEven though I'm no longer a part of boob, I decided to give them an "exclusive" if you will on something I created that will be of great interest to anyone interested in Windows CE programming. Click below to find out :).

Click here``xdopefish``xcontact_dopefish@hotmail.com``xA little something...``x964819480,71411,``x``x ``xLots of people have been bugging us lately to throw out new versions as soon as possible, but they often don't understand the process of developing dc software.

Realtime debugging on the dreamcast is currently impossible for us, and crossdevelopping (using the same source for both pc-intel and dc-sh4) has its limitations. We have had several cases where the pc version was running perfect, as where the dc version would just crash instantly.

So far, we are not using any dc-link cables as we don't have the cables, nor the winCE software which can be be run on the dc, and which would make it possible to run software remotely.

All in all, dreamcast software development is slow, tricky and costly (coasters).

Here are a few answers to questions we have been hearing lately.

Boob!Play = Game Hack:

The player is not a hack of the midway game. The reason you need the midway disc is that it was the first dc game running under winCE and the bootdisk, meaning the first oppertunity to do any winCE coding and testing. In fact you can delete all files except the 1st_read.bin, midway_1.exe (our player), \wince folder and likely ip.bin as well (not sure, but likely)

Thanks to dopefish we will no longer have to use this disk though (great thinking dopefish!).

Furthermore, yes, the boobplayer v0.00001 is taken from a directShow example and modified slightly. Current internal versions have evolved beyond the sample sources though (hey, you have to start somewhere)

Divx support :

we have been thinking about wrapping a layer around the divX dll's, but we are not sure if that will work.. Eventually something like this will be done, but at the moment we have enough trouble to get MPEG support running at a decent frame rate.. The problem is the PowerVR does all rendering internally at 640x480, this means that a vcd (352x240 or 352x288) is stretched to this size and the powerVR isn't know for it's fast 2d support..
we tried to speed things up setting up using a 320x240 output resolution (dc can do 640x480x?bpp/320x240x?bpp) maintaining a near correct aspect-ratio (using rect.black borders), but infact this slowed down things even more (the DC strecthes the original vcd to 640x480 so the powerVR can work with it, and after processing a frame it is buffered back on a 320x240 devicecontext, and this means using another stretchblit)..

Getting divX up and running might be possible, but getting it up at a decent frame rate is goanna be very tricky.


Another questions which is asked a lott : why the hickups in vcd movies (frame rate drops), and why is this not applicable to the dreamcast game movies?

Well, the answer to that is either lower bitrates/lower audio quality or the use of the CRI MPEG SOFDEC :
2 hours movie on one GD-ROM,
50% CPU load (instead of ~100% for regular mpeg1 using directShow)
framerate : 30fps,24 fps (pal/ntsc)
resolution : 320x240 recommended

see http://www.cric.co.jp/english/eng_sofdec.htm

As far as i can see, this sofdec is not available for the winCE platform (but then i haven't looked for it much either). It might be included with the katana sdk though.
This might also explain why the "dcvcd"'s are only 1 cd, and still vcd quality ( I haven't seen a dcvcd yet, so i might way off here ).

Quicksilver.``xquicksilver``xquicksilv@hotmail.com``xboob!play.vcds.dcvcd.etc``x964883463,21543,``x``x ``xJust like to mention Boob is hosted by www.dcwarez.com If you would like the latest news in the DC scene, feel free to visit. The Boob site can be accessed using www.boob.co.uk``xjandaman``x``xNew Host``x965197761,30809,``x``x ``xI'd like to apologise for the lack of updates lately, but we have only just got Newspro up and running on the new servers. Jandaman has set up some great message boards so do go and check them out.
Expect frequent updates from now on...

Also if there are any dead links please email me the problem.``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xSorry``x965215292,55459,``x``x ``xSince we have moved servers Boob!play can now be downloaded here (its the same version as before)...``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xfiles``x965233598,94034,``x``x ``xLots of action going on in the DC Demo Scene. Nothing that can be released as of yet, but lots of testing with all the new toys that can be found around the net.

TS_Garp has managed to get a static screen (bmp) to display in 640x480 resolution, simply by modifying the video.s assembly source found at http://marcus.mangakai.org/dc

Using the serial cable takes a long time, but it's cheaper than having to burn a CD-R for every test.``xgarpster``xThere's a penguin on the telly.``xDC Demo Scene``x965332231,58080,``x``x ``xI've been really confused. Basically i haven't been working on Boob!play cuz i thought Quicksilv was doing some work on it. I have only just managed to contact him, and found out that he hasn't been.
I myself have been looking into porting some emus to the DC, but this in itself is going to take a lot of work. There are just so many things I want to do, but the scene moves so fast that it is difficult to do it in adequate time.
Therefore if anyone is interested in helping out and coding for Boob! do email me asap.
Also the other problem i've been having is in testing : i code something -> it compiles fine -> i burn a cd -> it doesnt work
Therefore is it an error in my coding or a badly burnt cd? Its gonna be difficult to code anything nice with the huge expense required :-(``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xI'd like to apologise``x965343254,53503,``x``x ``xI got a useful email from Numbski which may well help all you prospective dc developers:
"This won't help your speed any, but it'll help your pocketbook. The DC can read cdrw's just fine, and if you burn a "coaster", just pop it into Nero, erase it and try again. Trust me on this. :)"

*UPDATE*: Apparently this is actually false information... Tubooboo posted this on the message board:

burnt: Namco Museum on following media:

Intenso CDRW (noname) --> doesnt work
TDK CD-RW 650 --> doesnt work
Yamaha CRWM74R4X --> doesnt work
B-W-E CD-RW 74 --> doesnt work
SONY CD-RW 74 --> doesnt work

I heard from somebody Kodaks would work, but i start
to doubt that. They didnt even spin up really in the
bootloader, the DC just tries to read the TOC or so
it seems, fails, and stops the drive again (all brands
I tried same result).

Any light on this issue? Plz try Kodak CDRWs... i am
fed up for now... ;-)

If Numbski reads this, feel free to email me what brand actually works!``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xCD-RWs``x965470762,54463,``x``x ``xIts pretty clear now that the information sent to me earlier by Numbski was utter rubbish... i dont really understand what purpose it served. If it were to be true that cd-rws were usable it would have made dc development so much easier but due to emails from various people it is almost certainly true that the dc cannot read cd-rws - btw: thanks John and Sacha! It seems that the only affordable way of developing will now be via the serial cable.``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xCD-RWs do NOT work``x965513701,39443,``x``x ``xOk, it's now official. Katana SDK demos can be uploaded via serial cable. Here's how to do it.

1. Ensure you have latest Serial-Slave (V103 or later). Get it here: http://marcus.mangakai.org/dc

2. Build serial cable.

3. Hook serial cable to DC and PC.


5. Use objcopy to convert this to SREC, or else wait until I post the 'Rad-vert' util.

6. Have fun.``xgarpster``xWhat's on the telly?``xKatana/serial``x965672989,1209,``x``x ``xI read this on a message board at a great Sega site called Eidolon's Inn
This was posted x15jq:
Today I decided to install a blue led in my dc. I became curious why the dc didnt read rw's. So i took apart the gd assembly (mine is samsung)and there is a bias screw under the ribbon. After playing with it for an hour, i found that when u turn it clockwise, the laser power increases and lets u have the dc read rw's. I have screenshots of doing the procedure if you need them."
Naflign if u read this could you please get in touch so we can publish the exact details...

``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xCD-RWs again...``x965734335,2125,``x``x ``xHere are a couple of pics to show how to make your dc read cd-rws!
These were kindly sent in by z100_man:
Pic 1
Pic 2

Note: Do remember that this will violate your Dreamcast warranty. Boob! takes no responsibility to any damage you might do to your dc. Remember this catchy phrase: "If in doubt leave any modification out."

Each pic is about 50k, and i apologise for the messed up colours.
``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xCD-RW pics``x965749116,43806,``x``x ``xThis cd-rw thing DOES work. Various people have tried it and have it working...
SteddyMan sent in a bit more info:
"Just thought I'd let you know that I have adjusted the pot and have it working.
Use 544 Ohms for the reading across the pot."
Thanks guys for all these extremely useful emails, keep them coming in :-)``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xCD-RWs``x965774904,54234,``x``x ``xOk, I thought it was a bunch of horse manure.

I adjusted the indicated potentiameter, until I got a reading of .455 (DMM set to 2k).

DC now reads RW's, R's and GD's.

Anyone know if this is harmful for the laser?

(Can you read resistors in circuit?)

Somebody else reported that their setting was 544.

So take that as you will....``xgarpster``xA moose bit my sister once.``xDC and R's, RW's and GD's``x965775296,41209,``x``x ``xHowdy Boob fans.

Here is the util I promised.

After your binary is created, use this utility to convert it to
S-Record format for uploading via the serial slave.

DC S-Record Util``xgarpster``xWhat's on the Telly?``xPromised util``x965798387,26985,``x``x ``xI apologize about the fact that there have been no more releases of Boob!play. The main goal of this is to "quieten down" the Boob! development scene. My personal aim for Boob! is to be able to document in detail my ongoing projects and hopefully both be taught by and teach others. If i feel there is the required support and the people who take a part in Boob! are interested and imaginative developers, rather than lamers wanting things for themselves, then eventually my projects will all become opensource, so you guys too can enhance them.
I myself haven't worked on Boob!play since the original release but others (they'll be named when the time comes) have been doing some work on a "sequel"... (which will be the FIRST proper release) I myself am working on a simple directx debugger for the dc which can be used in the development of emus, as well as doing some work on a NES emulator. You guys must remember that this sort of work does take time, but you should be able to expect some great releases soon.
I'd also like to thank Lowlife who has made a great intro pic for Boob!, and the other Boob! members who have been doing some great DC research too.
The majority of you guys have been great, but as always in life the minority can sadly have a more damaging effect... keep supporting Boob! and hopefully we'll be able to reward you in return.

btw guys, if u happen to come across Numbski, be nice, cuz it seems he was right all along about cd-rws being able to work :-)``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xCurrent Status``x965956657,75462,``x``x ``xAnyway here's a pic of a nes emu port ive been working on. This is still running on a pc though. The reason is that the best way to write dc stuff at the moment is to code for both the pc and the dc at the same time. However i have coded the directx stuff and other functions so that they should compile happily and run on the dreamcast when the time comes. I have also coded a shitty debugger which uses directx to display the current status of the registers and other relevant information... the file io routines had to obviously be rewritten aswell.
At the moment as you can see from the pic of Super Mario Brothers, it only takes up a 1/4 of the screen and is running in 8bit color... ill fix these soon.
The emu ive ported/rewritten is itself in a very basic state so dont expect anything much in the next couple of days. But i will from now on start posting regular updates and pics.
I will give due credit to the original emu author when i get it running a bit more stuff.

Super Mario Brothers``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xFirst emu for the dc? not quite...``x966093877,55099,``x``x ``xI'll be updating the Emulators page with more pics regularly, so if u want the latest updates on my progress they will be mostly found there.
Also, i've fixed the 1/4 screen bug :-)

*Update* - a pic of Tennis can now be found in the emulator section. This is running full screen.``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xNES Emu...``x966101793,63334,``x``x ``xI'd like to announce the release of a new video player. There are 2 versions:
The first version will have to be used in the same way as Boob!Play and use a Midway rip (you must legally own the original) and can be found here: GypPlay 1.0 (60kb)

The second version is an all-in-one version and contains the necessary files to burn the video player. It can be downloaded from here: GypPlay Full 1.0 (1.7mb)

Once you have unzipped one of the 2 versions (gypplay.zip+midway or gypplayfull.zip) you can then name the videos whatever you want
as long as they end with .mpg, .mpeg, or .avi - please remember that divx-avi is different, and will not work!
If you get confused and don't know how to get this to work, there are lots of sites out there which give instructions on how to get Boob!play to work. This is the same method (minus the midway stuff for GypPlay full), so just follow them.

This video player has been coded by The Gypsy, so all credit goes out to him... expect more great Boob! releases soon :-)
Please email The Gypsy with comments/suggestions.``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xNew Video Player: GypPlay 1.0``x966249437,32968,``x``x ``xThese are the features of the just-released GypPlay video player:

- Will play multiple movies from one disc. It walks through the entire
disc searching for anything ending in .mpg, .mpeg, or .avi and plays

- Has common controls: Pause/Rewind/Fast-Forward

- Has nifty control: Variable-speed REW/FF based on analog stick!

- Time display (time elapsed, time remaining for current movie)

- Skip movie (move on to the next on the disc, if any)

- Allows swapping of real GDs only... wince provides routines for swapping gds but these do not work with cds... if anyone has been able to swap cds in wince please email me.
``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xVideo player features...``x966258938,50518,``x``x ``xI've put up some instructions on using GypPlay...
They can be found here``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xGypPlay help``x966293302,67848,``x``x ``xI've updated the Docs page with better pics of getting cdrws to work (which were kindly sent in by ^POPS^) and some info on multisession cdrs which are an easier alternative to physically opening up the dc. (this info was sent in by Phantasm).
On top of this I've updated the Tools page with info about GypPlay and added a page with features / information on how to use it.
If u have anything to send in that others might find useful feel free to! We really do appreciate the info that gets passed on to us.
Also i will soon update the Emulators page with information about dc emus that are "work-in-progress".
We are also on the lookout for someone who is interested in joining Boob! as an updater... particularly concerning extra-boob (ie:non-boob) developments / emulators.``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xUpdates...``x966339632,18353,``x``x ``xIt seems that you can use multisession cds with GypPlay (ie:add movies on to different sessions) but the Utopia BootCD is NOT compatible with multisession cdrs. This update was again sent in by Phantasm and here it is in detail:

"I tried burning some samples from the katana devkit
for the first time tonight and it seems that my
earlier statement about multi-session is not quite

I burnt the teapot example onto a cdr and it booted
and ran fine, however when I added another session
with one of the other examples it still booted the
teapot demo. It seems that even though GypPlay
supports multi-session as I previously stated the
utopia boot cd however does not.

This is a rather dissapointing discovery for me as it
means unless there is an update to the utopia boot cd
released we will not be able to use the technique I
described earlier for development."

Bad news, but still much appreciated... looks like it might be worth looking for that screwdriver again.``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xMultisession cds...``x966372165,8051,``x``x ``xI've replaced the original GypPlay 1.0 files with GypPlay 1.1
These can be downloaded from the Tools page.
GypPlay v1.1 is slightly faster and should have less
frame drops/jitter. The "Toggle Info" option that
displays the name of the file had to be removed, but the time elapsed/remaining is still there...``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xGypPlay 1.1``x966388723,189,``x``x ``xI've put up a doc in the Documentation section which describes how you can play VCDs or swap cds using GypPlay. ie:you can have 1 cdr with GypPlay on it, and another with the videos on... however you do require a modchip for this to work, and not all modchips allow this. This doc was written by The Gypsy.``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xGood news for you modchip owners...``x966454845,11813,``x``x ``xThe NES Emu from which I recently posted some pics was a port of an emulator called Emuschool, which can be found at http://emuschool.vintagegaming.com
Many people have asked me "If you have a working Nes emulator, why has it not been released?" The answer is that the compatiblity and speed of my port is exactly the same as the final windows version. If you go to the above site, and download the final windows version and try it out, you will see that almost all games DO NOT WORK, and of those that do, only a few display more than a couple of screens. Demos do work, but the emu itself is extremely slow (<1fps!). For this reason I am not planning on releasing this emu. Firstly I would receive a lot of complaints such as, "This game doesn't work..." and secondly it wouldn't be fair to have you guys wasting cdr after cdr on something which is essentially "useless".
You might then ask, "Why did you port this emulator?"
The answer to that question is that the emulator as its name suggests is there to teach others about emulator programming, more of which is highly needed. It allowed me to learn much about porting an emu, and it'll hopefully put me in good stead for the future.

I am at present attempting to port another emu, but I won't give any more information until the "fruits of my labour" begin to show... hopefully it won't be too long :-)``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xEmulators...``x966509032,43670,``x``x ``xsoon...``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``x``x966682459,51184,``x``x ``xRecently I've been working on porting a GameBoy emulator. After quite a few days of coding and headaches it now compiles happily on the pc and dreamcast. I was thus hoping to bring you some screenshots / videos of it working on the dreamcast tonight, but although it is working fine on the pc for some reason it is still displaying just a black screen on the dreamcast. (I expect this is due to some problems with the dinput, which is obviously dc specific). My stock of cdrs is also running perilously low, but will hopefully be replenished soon, and as soon as i fix the problems i will post some screens/videos - at this stage i will then need to put together a simple gui for selecting which game on the cd to play. Please don't ask when the emulator is likely to be released, because i just don't know - but what i do promise is that i will keep you guys updated.

The emulator is a port of the Windows gameboy emulator Virtual Boy, so if you want to see what is in store go check it out at http://www.emuhq.com/vboy - i kindly thank the author for sending me the source code and allowing me to attempt a port of it. It truly is a great emulator!

If anyone wants to make a logo / splash screen for this emulator, to be called "Boob!boy", please send it in - it would be much appreciated.``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xa bit longer...``x966730944,6722,``x``x ``xI've put up a FAQ for GypPlay. This was extremely kindly sent in by Ez, and can be found on the documentation page. Please read this before emailing us about how getting it to work.``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xGypPlay FAQ by Ez``x966765537,64148,``x``x ``xI've added a news archive page... the link to this can be found above!``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xArchive``x966815886,17350,``x``x ``x Hello, this is my first update. I have recently joined the site as a roving reporter. There are a few new dc emu sites popping up around and I just thought i would mention them to the boob readers. The first site today is Tempest.
They are a group who are attempting to create a Sega Saturn emu for the dreamcast. Another site is dcGleem, which is a attempting to create a nes emulator also. The last one on this site seeing tour is Sintendo, the home of a super nes emulator in progress. Well dont worry there will be more posts from me, but this is all for now. enjoy.``xintrnal``xintrnal@bellsouth.net``xa few new sites``x966880327,50811,``x``x ``xA lot of people have sent in possible logos / splash screens for Boob!boy - they are all very much appreciated, and when i have time ill put up a poll where you guys can select which logo will be the default! In the final version you will also be able to select which logo you want to use... To all the people who've worked hard on these logos/screens they are all great and i'll credit you all on the site soon.
I myself haven't had a chance to do any coding for the last couple of days, but hopefully will do soon.``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xBoob!boy logos / splash screens...``x966886519,15534,``x``x ``xA new Gleam! demo has came out on the Gleam! site. It so far only plays a demo rom that he built in. IT will not load other roms. Just grab the demo and burn it on CD or use an upload cable hookup to the PC. Check out there website!!
http://emu.devildog.org/dcgleam!/``xworldrave``xgamemail@mediaone.net``xGleam! NEW demo out!``x966910854,66317,``x``x ``xBTW- I'd like to introduce myself. My name is WorldRave, i will be updating some news on this site about new DC Stuff whether hardware related or the progress of current EMU's either coming out or ones already out.``xworldrave``xgamemail@mediaone.net``xNew updater here.``x966911077,64837,``x``x ``xHey everyone. It looks like a new beta of Sintendo came out. Which is a early WIP version of SNES9x EMU for the Dreamcast. Below is the link to the site to pick it up.
http://server36.hypermart.net/sintendo/index.htm``xworldrave``xgamemail@mediaone.net``x``x966961272,45868,``x``x ``xI've taken a break from actually coding the emulator (although i must also admit to just having taken a 2-day break from dc developing altogether), and have at present seperately started building the Boob!boy gui. With just a couple of hours work, it happily displays 2 splash screens and a primitive menu... controller support is also included. The menu will display a list of all the gameboy roms on the cd and allow you to choose which one to play. Hopefully i might also have an interesting utility out for you guys soon... (please dont ask what this will be)``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xBoob!boy update...``x966995831,26918,``x``x ``xDcgleem has updated its page with a clonecd build of its last beta. I know some people were having problems getting the other version to work. This one should be easier.``xintrnal``xintrnal@bellsouth.net``xgleem updated``x967033887,50519,``x``x ``xGreat news on Gleam! So far he has managed to get ROM's loadable off of a separate CD. Now you can burn your ROMS's collection on a disc,load the Gleam! disc, then swap out and put in the ROM's CD. (Yes, you must own the original game in order to be able to use the ROM) :-) Great progress so far!! ``xworldrave``xgamemail@mediaone.net``xGleam! Progress``x967068557,51323,``x``x ``xBTW- On the newest currant beta of Sintendo (SNES9X for Dreamcast). It
rotates through about 5-6 or so pictures of the possible screens he may use in the final for the background or main screen. I just burned it and tried it out. (Wanted to note for those who are limited on CD's.)``xworldrave``xgamemail@mediaone.net``xSintendo update``x967071533,43395,``x``x ``xI mentioned earlier that i was planning to do some work on the Boob!boy gui. Although I havent had time to work before 12:30 am each day, i have now tested my work on the gui on the dreamcast and it works perfectly. Thus far it displays a boob splash screen, then a boobboy splash screen, then the menu screen. The menu screen allows you to move up and down on a list of games and select one... i tried to take a video of this all working but my camcorder batteries have run out. ill post some pics and maybe even a video tomorrow. I might also release a nice little utility for you all soon, which will have been created through my work on Boob!boy but you will all also find it quite interesting to try out.
I havent had a chance to mention someone who has been amazingly useful in helping out with Boob!boy... this person is Lowlife who has created some cool splash screens / logos. He has also created an extremely nice looking rotating gameboy cart video with his boob logo as the game picture on the cart. I again would like to thank the many of you have sent in logos etc... i promise your work will not go to waste, and i will allow you to choose which logo to use in the final product.
I recommend you Boob! supporters keep checking this site out over the next few days, because hopefully we will have lots to keep you occupied :-) - Boob!boy is being solely coded by me but other Boob! members have some interesting projects going on... if you yourself are a developer and would like to join Boob! and post updates on your projects / release them on Boob!, feel free to email me.
Boob! will also serve as a news source for the dc developing world / dc emulators, and the 2 new updaters are doing a great job thus far at this.
cya tomorrow...``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xGui work...``x967075779,92979,``x``x ``xthis was posted on the boob message board regarding disc swapping with no mod chip...

"Quite easy really, just open your dreamcast up and tape the button back( The one that tells it the lid is closed). Load up Gyplay as usual but do not atempt to play any mpegs, wait for about nine mins and the disc will stop spinning. Open the lid and place in the VCD etc... close press a and it will play. If any is grateful for this info could you please do a nero image of the DCGLEAM as my writer is not compatable with CDClone.



I also received this email today:
"the button is inside of the dreamcast..... you have to take it apart to reach it.... not really a button. its a little black lever that gets pulled when the lid closes.. so unless you run the dc w/ the case off you cant do it.... guess sega was alot smarter than sony when designing the lid"

``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xcdr disc swapping... (by Squidney)``x967076232,94793,``x``x ``xoff to bed now, but directory displaying routines are all working fine... pics/videos tomorrow : i promise!``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xnice...``x967078861,4854,``x``x ``xGlue Sniffin' Ed sent in a nero (.nrg) image of Gleem, especially for Squidney :-)
It can be downloaded from here.``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xGleem``x967108220,1614,``x``x ``xthe utility which i will release later is a gd-rom viewer... you burn the util onto a cdr, run it, insert a gd-rom, and it'll then display the list of files on the gd-rom. this is not supposed to be anything great, but it might give you guys an idea on how to do something the dc public have wanted to do, which only a few elite groups know how to... as you will see when you try this util out, the splash screens/gui are obviously part of the boob!boy gui, and i thought i might as well release something interesting while you are all patiently waiting for Boob!boy - essentially i just added gd-rom swapping support to the original gui and removed the file extension filters.``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xutility...``x967123509,88237,``x``x ``xI've uploaded the gd-viewer utility. You will need to read the readme file which explains what files you need and how to run the gd-viewer...
just one note - sorry about the small size of the text but it is hopefully legible anyway! (i havent taken a look at changing the font but it seems like a bit too much work at the moment :-) - if someone wants to send me a fontsize function it would be great)
Anyhow, the files you'll need for the util can be found here:
GD Viewer
Thats all the work i can handle for today - its been a long one...``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xGD-Viewer``x967146672,52084,``x``x ``xNow that i've got a basic gui working, i will be attempting to put this together with the already-ported emulator code... hopefully ill start getting results soon.``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xStatus report...``x967160021,8330,``x``x ``xI've added an unofficial dreamcast faq to the documentation section... this was written by Number Six. An interesting read imo...``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xUnofficial Dreamcast FAQ``x967303392,88587,``x``x ``xI've been away for a couple of days... but ive just spent a couple of more hours on the emu. Sound is now working perfectly. I now have to fix some directx problems, due to the fact that the gui uses different surface sizes to the actual emulation part... hopefully ill work it out soon.``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xBoob!boy news``x967312599,39381,``x``x ``xdirectx graphics are working on the pc version fine now, i just need to test it on the dc version aswell. btw:ill post a features list about this forthcoming gb emu tomorrow stating what will and wont be included in the first release and also features that will be included in subsequent releases...``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xBoob!boy update...``x967320328,49084,``x``x ``xI've put up a doc on how to play mp3's on the dreamcast using the latest internet browser disc...
The documentation page is down at the moment but you can view the mp3 doc here. The doc was kindly written by Kilson955.

``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xMP3's``x967452135,11807,``x``x ``xA standalone MP3 player can be download from here
This has been coded by strat76...
``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xMP3 player``x967457600,45272,``x``x ``xGleem, the nes emu, has been released. Only mappers 1,2,3 are working. There is no sound support yet, but so what. We can play nes on our dreamcast.``xintrnal``xintrnal@bellsouth.net``xGleem release!``x967516949,7134,``x``x ``xI did not give the web site last time because it was still listed on the page and I thought people could see it. Yet, not every one could find the gleem site so here is the address Gleem. ``xintrnal``xintrnal@bellsouth.net``xgleem address....``x967579068,66887,``x``x ``xThis was kindly sent in by Mike from GameFreax:

Just to let you know that there's no need to wait 6 minutes for the disc to stop spinning. we know it from the beginning when we started playing importgames I offered a modification on the dreamcast, well just a small one. I added a motorswitch to the GD-Drive by just cutting the red wire of the cd-drive which is responsible to support the GD-Rom Drive's motor with tension and soldered a switch in a row. you can now open the lid while the small black button (lid-switch) is pressed anyhow (you can also solder a switch to the lid-switch), switch off the motor, wait till the lens stops bumping up and down and then insert the CD.

damn... a lot of swiches up there ;-)"``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xmore info re: cdr disc swapping``x967730617,96866,``x``x ``xIn the Gleam news, looks like he rewrote the PPU handler gaining about 20-25% in speed. He said he started writing an asm core, but accidentlly deleted it. Great news for all!! Great job!!``xworldrave``xgamemail@mediaone.net``xGleam news``x967836955,55211,``x``x ``xI've updated the emulator page with details about current emulators in progress for the dreamcast. Take a look, and if you know of any other dc emus in progress, send me a quick email!
Also, although i personally have been very busy lately (driving tests / work / holidays), we are all still working hard on our various projects... i'd also like to thank all the people who continue to send in great information, and keep it up :-)``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xEmulator page...``x967889513,3460,``x``x ``xupdated the emulator page with the sega saturn emu... thanks to all those who emailed me about this.
also the killer instinct arcade emu will eventually be ported to the dc, but i wont add this to the list until work on the port has actually begun.``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xemulator...``x968017555,13114,``x``x ``xYou guys probably already know about this, but for those who dont, a dreamcast emulator has been released. At the moment it runs the Stars demo only but even doing this is a mighty achievement imo. More information can be found here (This site is in spanish but if you look down in the news you will find some info about it.)
At the same site they have posted some cool news of a Sega Saturn emulator for the pc, which now plays commercial games. There are pics of Daytona USA and Virtua Fighter, and i personally can't wait till the compatibility/speed improves! The emu is SSF and you can download the latest version here or visit the website (japanese) here.
Although neither of these emus are for the dc (it would be a bit stupid if the first one was :-) ) they are both noteworthy achievements.
I have had a break from coding, but i will get started again soon. Be patient and remember that the first release of Boob!boy WILL play all gameboy / gameboy color / super gameboy games... hopefully it is something to look forward to.
If any of you are coders and have written any software / tools / utils / other relevant stuff or are interested in helping out with Boob! email me, cuz all help helps. (if u understand what i mean)
``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xyo``x968281614,51797,``x``x ``xas i said i took a break from dc coding for about 2 weeks and finally returned to do some coding today!!! with a bit of playing around with directdraw surfaces, i was just about to go to bed and thought, "i might as well try it out again", and it worked! i have the nintendo gameboy color demo playing nicely on my tv :-)
although the sound isnt working (it cant be too hard to fix cuz it works on the pc version) and the in-game controller support hasnt been implemented (the menu controller support is done), i am in a VERY GOOD mood. im busy tomorrow during the day but ill be at it all night... and i might get some coding done aswell tomorrow :-)
screenshots soon.... expect a lot more - imagine being able to play every gameboy game on your pc, well its reality!``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``x****ing hell! it worked :-)``x968368677,98750,``x``x ``x

Click on the pics for a bigger picture... more later

``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``x3 pics of WWF attitude in action``x968403229,15382,``x``x ``xit is still fairly temperamental but at this very moment i'm downloading some pics from my camcorder of it running on a tv for any of you doubters :-)
my current problem is that i try and be too clever and achieve too much between dreamcast tests, and the dc hangs on the menu screen if anything is slightly wrong. it also seems to take quite a long time to load the rom using the readfile function but at the moment i dont know why cuz the rom is only 500k.
ill update the emulator page soon with lots of info about this emulator.``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xBoob!boy``x968455489,61408,``x``x ``xRather than fill up the newspage with screenshots i've created a screenshots page which can be found here
I've added screenshots of the gui, the Gameboy color demo, and 2 of tetris dx all running on the dreamcast!``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xScreenshots...``x968457136,54895,``x``x ``xWe recently had our 250,000 visitor to the site after about 1 month and a half! I'll try and think of some "prize" for the 300,000th visitor so take a pic if it happens to be you... (the counter is at the bottom of the screen)
Also if anyone has an incite into wince self-booters could they email me... it would be nice to be able release stuff in this format (as well as the normal utopia-bootcd style for all you anti-discjuggler-guys) and it would also save those precious few seconds whilst testing our work on the dc :-)``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``x250,000 visitors!``x968513288,52845,``x``x ``xI've updated the GypPlay doc, which describes the features / current limitations / instructions on use for GypPlay 1.1
This doc was written by TheGypsy himself, and can be found here or on the Documentation page``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xGypPlay nfo updated...``x968540434,96332,``x``x ``xthanks to a suggestion from stalin, i have spent time redoing the boards, so that it is now necessary to register before you are able to post any messages. I'm sorry that i'm forced to do this but it seems people can't handle free speech and accept that this a development website and not for posting requests for illegal dreamcast games! The new forum can be found here and we welcome all dreamcast development / research discussion...``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xboards updated...``x968608557,15027,``x``x ``xAlthough this is non-dreamcast related, i feel it is still worthy of posting... it was announced today that ultrahle has been discontinued by RealityMan. It was a landmark emulator and substantially altered the emulation scene. However since its immediate legal threats from Nintendo, it never recovered and although RealityMan began work on a sequel it is yet to have materialised :-(

Regarding Boob!boy, you might have noticed some pics of NBA in the Zone 2000 which have been added to the here``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xmore sad news (on top of ultrahle)``x968698949,36464,``x``x ``xi havent done much work on boob!boy today, but ive made it a bit faster by removing some unnecessary if statements, since they are not relevant for the dreamcast (stuff like restoring surfaces if the displaymode changes arent needed)...

*UPDATE* - i said i hadnt done much work on boob!boy today, but its not about quantity, its about quality! basically, controllers on the pc version are now fully working (dc version just needs to be tested and since the main directinput stuff is done already it should work first time) and as an example i've posted a 3 pics of super mario land and zelda dx in the screenshots section.``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xboob!boy...``x968715033,27099,``x``x ``xWell guys, it looks like HuGo! (a turbographix16 emulator for the PC) will be making it's way to the Dreamcast. Let's wish him luck on a good and painless conversion. I'm impressed on the author's work on the PC version. I'd imagine the Dreamcast will be just as good, but better on a fullscreen TV. Also, on the Gleam! site it looks like he has a cool compatibility chart now on the games that work with the currant version he's working on.``xworldrave``xgamemail@mediaone.net``xHuGo!``x968742760,9924,``x``x ``xDirectinput on the dreamcast is now fully working... including analog stick support!``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xBoob!boy``x968761207,29522,``x``x ``xi've updated the emulator page with boob!boy stuff... of particular interest to some of you will be the progress update page which can be found here. At present i'm rewriting the menu file io stuff...``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xemulator page``x968795325,4348,``x``x ``xAfter a great response to the first poll, i decided a second poll was well overdue...
Anyhow to the question, "What system emulator would you like to be ported to the Dreamcast?", the results showed that N64 emulation was most sought after (29%), then pleasingly Snes emulation (22%), and Mame coming a close 3rd (19%). Ironically Gameboy Emulation which is a reality wasn't even an available option :-)
You can find the new poll on the left-side of the main news page.
``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xNew poll``x968882104,10013,``x``x ``xAfter a few questions about the screensize whilst playing games, these pics should make you all happy:

Here is a nice pic of Super Mario Land:

To do this i rewrote a lot of the Directdraw stuff, since it was pretty sloppy anyway, and this rewrite should fix some speed problems also... and it will allow me to very easily allow the user to select their desired screensize for playing games, and do other stuff like turn borders on or off for super gameboy / a few color gameboy games.

Oh, and there are also 2 other pics of WWF Attitude and NBA in the Zone 2k in the screenshots page.``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xBoob!boy fullscreen...``x968929612,77441,``x``x ``xwhereas the borders when playing super gameboy games were messed up before the directx rewrite, that has all been fixed and here is a very nice pic of Fifa 96:

``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xsuper gameboy games...``x968930029,2752,``x``x ``xYesterday i posted a tool which reads the first sector from a GD-Rom and writes the included IP0000.BIN Informations to the HD. PLEASE NOTE: This does not seem to work on my computer at the moment and the author says he has got it to work on win98 only... if you alter the source code and/or get it to work please email me! Do not email me saying it doesn't work :-)
You can get the source code and binaries from the Tools page``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xNew tool by Gonzo``x968965585,40027,``x``x ``xthe tool does actually work... _joe_ sent in an email saying he got it to work with nfl2k1 and having taken a look at the ip0000.bin file using the dcinfo tool (u could use any other ip.bin proggie) it does seem to work... it comes up with the correct release dates and the fact that _joe_'s copy is USA version etc... i might try and incorporate the source code into my dcinfo tool eventually, but until then, you can use gonzo's tool to get info about any of your GD-ROMs, such as region code / game name / no.of discs / peripheral support etc... well done gonzo, and thanks to _joe_ for the email! remember this program might not work on your computer cuz it only works on certain os's at the moment...

*UPDATE* This was kindly sent in by Sonikku:
"Might want to post that the tool is not reading anything from the high
density track of the GD. Its just extracting the first 16 sectors of the low
density ISO9660 track."
Sorry if there has been any confusion...``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xip0000.bin tool update...``x968977746,78262,``x``x ``xMy work on the gui file routines is coming along nicely, and i've fixed some annoying bug that was stopping it from working right... you can now select a gameboy game from a list to play. ill post some pics once ive tested it out on the dc version to make sure all is working correctly!``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xBoob!boy``x969112074,87369,``x``x ``xHere is a pic of the gui in practice:

Although this might not seem much different than that of the gui in the gdviewer tool, it has been completely reworked and rewritten.

The gui currently supports upto 1000 gameboy games (could be made bigger obviously, but 1000 seems high enough!), displaying 20 games per page from which the user can select one to play... up and down analog stick buttons will move up and down through the games (the game with the blue blackground in the picture above is the currently selected one) and left and right buttons will move between the pages of games!

i will now add in some resetemulation support which allows you to return to the main menu once you've had enough of a certain game and select another one to play instead!

Feel free to discuss what features you would like to see supported in Boob!boy on the message board... or request any games you would like to see pics of in action.
``xCyRUS64``xcontact_cyrus64@hotmail.com``xGui pic...``x969118583,13231,``x``x