# ndisplay.pl # This file contains the HTML used to generate your news. # # For more information on NewsPro customisations, see the online FAQ. # # Do not change $ndisplayversion below! It tells the script which version of ndisplay.pl this is. $ndisplayversion = 3; # # ********* # IMPORTANT: If you ever edit this file by hand, remove the exclamation mark # ********* from the next line: # # (do not remove the # or anything else, only the exclamation mark) # This will tell the script that it has been edited by hand, and disable web-based # editing. If you don't do this, your ndisplay.pl will likely become corrupted. # # You may use the following variables in DoNewsHTML: # $newsname, $newssubject, $newsdate, $newstext, $newsemail. # Also, remember that this is a Perl script you're editing. Make sure to escape necessary # characters: i.e. $,@,%,and ~ should be written as \$,\@,\%, and \~ (of course, you # shouldn't escape the $ sign in a variable). sub DoNewsHTML { # Makes $newshtml empty. $newshtml = ""; # Begin by checking if the last date printed is the same as this date. # This uses NewsPro's internal isNewDate subroutine # If the current date is different from the last one, print it if (&isNewDate) { $newshtml .= qq~


~; } # That's it for printing the date! Easy! Now just go on and print the news # (without the date, of course). Notice the use of .= rather than = $newshtml .= qq~

$newssubject Posted by $newsname \@ $Hour:$Minute

~; } # # Archive Link Formatting. Edit the HTML below to change the style. # This defines the links on the main archive page, the one that # links to the individual monthly archives. # The location of the archive is $arcfile.$ArcHtmlExt and the # month the archive covers is $ArcDate{$arcfile}. # Reminder: if editing this file by hand, follow the instructions # at the top of the file or the script may not function. sub DoLinkHTML { $newshtml = qq~ $ArcDate{$arcfile}
~; } # # Headline Formatting. # This defines the headlines that will be produced if you enable headlines # (in Advanced Settings). # You have access to all the variables as in DoNewsHTML. # TIP: To link the headline to your full news article, use a link like: # $newssubject sub DoHeadlineHTML { $newshtml = qq~ $newssubject - $newsdate
~; } # # # New Files Formatting # The format of the file links on the new files list (enabled via Advanced Settings). # $fileurl: URL of the file # $filetitle: Name or title of the file # $filedate: Date the file was last modified sub DoNewFileHTML { $newshtml = qq~ $filetitle
~; } # Email Notification # How the e-mail notifications sent will look. # If you choose to have news items sent manually, in batches, # you'll be able to edit this before sending. Otherwise, this will be # the text of the message. # # You have access to all the new variables, as in DoNewsHTML. sub DoEmailText { $newshtml = qq~ --------------------------------- $newssubject --------------------------------- Posted $newsdate by $newsname: $newstext ~; } # Archive HTML # The news style used when archiving. # By default, calls DoNewsHTML. If you'd like a different style, replace this with something like # sub DoArchiveHTML { # $newshtml = qq~ #

$newssubject Posted $newsdate by $newsname
# $newstext #

# ~; # } sub DoArchiveHTML { &DoNewsHTML; } # Search HTML # Much like archive HTML - by default, uses DoNewsHTML. sub DoSearchHTML { &DoNewsHTML; } 1;